Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Wastes in the hospitality industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Wastes in the hospitality industry - Essay Example Research studies of the WRAP showed that the hospitality industry alone disposed of about 1.5 million tonnes of wastes (See Annex 1) that could have been reduced if these wastes were segregated. The hospitality industry is composed of pubs, restaurants, hotels, and quick service restaurants. WRAP study further showed that 78% of this tonnage of wastes is potential recyclable materials. These are composed of food, (41% or 600,000 tonnes) glass (14% or 213,000 tonnes), paper (13% or 196,000 tonnes ), and card (9% or134,000 tonnes ). Although efforts are made by the hospitality industry to reduce these wastes, there is still a lot of wastes that goes to landfills that otherwise could be recycled. There is money in wastes because there is opportunity in waste prevention. The hospitality industry has a lot of opportunities to reduce the amount of food wasted if the food was better proportioned, properly stored, and or prepared. WRAP estimated that the hospitality industry threw away 400.0 00 tonnes of recyclable amount of food in 2009; and the costs associated to this are estimated to be ?200 million. This goes to food costs, haulage, and landfill. These costs may not only be significant to the hotel industry because of profit concerns but also to consumers who should also get the best value from the hotel’s service. ... Water supply is one of the problems in tourism as it comes across the limitation of natural resources. Related to this, the† Resource Guide In Energy, Water And Waste Management For The Hospitality Industry† points out global concerns about waste disposals, particularly, â€Å"the climate change and global warming, ozone depletion, pollution, landfill impacts, acid rains and demand for resources outstripping supply† Steps taken by hotels to solve this problem As this problem compounds, one of the solutions found by the tourism industry is establishing green hotel. A green hotel, as described by Canadian hotel website are† hotels that are environmentally friendly properties that take the initiative and implement very important practices and programs to reduce energy, water, and waste.  Green Hotels are participating in recycling programs, linen changing programs, installing energy efficient lighting, and getting their message out to their guests and how they are doing their part in protecting the planet.† In reducing energy, several hotels have turned to trimming down energy consumption. For example, as cited in WRAP, Hyatt Regency International Hotel in New Zealand developed a project that linked energy use with room occupancy. It goes this way: â€Å"when the guests leave the room, all energy appliances shut down, with exception of refrigerators and alarm clocks. This project cost $16,000,a payback period of 14 months and a large savings of $14,000 annually.† Lighting is another cost saving device implemented in Tacoma Hotel. The hotel replaced their incandescent lamp fixtures to compact fluorescent light fixtures. The cost saving for the hotel is reported at $15,000. Other energy saving ideas was implemented in hotels. One of these is the solar power

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